Benefits of Co-Mediation
Co-mediation involves having two (or more) mediators work together as a team. There are many advantages to having two mediators. Mediators come from all walks of life and experience and can bring those diverse skills and expertise to the mediation process. In our experience having two heads in better than one. Co-Mediation is not only beneficial for the participants but also for the mediators as well, in turn being able to provide you with a holistic, comprehensive and expert skill set which is highly beneficial to assisting participants to achieving positive outcomes.
Some of the advantages of co-mediation include:
For the Participants:
· The mediation team can represent a range of skills, knowledge and expertise. These skills enhance and complement each other
· There is more opportunity to create a balance in the mediation room.
· The preparation, insight into issues, assisting in gaining perspectives and knowledge is greater with two mediators
· Co-mediators can model healthy and effective ways of communicating and responding to issues
· There is a better "check" on mediators' possible biases or impartiality. Mediators stay accountable, transparent and on track at all times.
Advantages For the Mediators:
· Having a partner eases the load and tension of mediation, especially in difficult cases and multi-party situations
· Parties can be more inclined to focus on restoring relationship and addressing issues with a team rather than seeking to "win over" a sole mediator
· Co-mediation enables mediators to learn from each other, including less experienced mediators learning from more experienced mediators