The Mediation Process

Mediation is a structured process where the mediator facilitates the process while you are responsible for what you choose to talk about and the agreements you reach.  

  • Opening Statement

    • The Mediator explains the process

    • Each participant identifies what they would like to talk about.

  • Agenda Setting

    • The mediator will write up the agenda for the mediation

    • You will agree on the agenda and order for discussion

  • Exploration

    1. The mediator will invite you to talk to each other about your point of view on each item on the agenda

    2. You will have the opportunity to explain your position, what you would like to see happen and why those points are important to you

  • Negotiation and Agreements

    • Together you explore options, brainstorm ideas and reality test outcomes.

    • Agreements are developed that are realistic, achievable and sustainable that everyone can live with.

    • The mediator assists the participants in documenting the agreement.

  • Private Sessions

    • Separate private sessions can be used at any time. Private sessions are used if either party needs a break, is feeling overwhelmed or if the mediator would like to have a confidential discussion with either party. No matter who calls the private session, equal time is spent with both parties. The parties can raise points from their private sessions in the joint session however the mediator cannot.


Working with High Conflict Employees


When is mediation the right approach to workplace conflict?