Clients come to us with uncertainty, fear, stress, confusion, anxious, and often very sad.

The confusion was taken away by clearly explaining the process in a straightforward, easy to understand way. This not only provides clarity but it also helps clients to identify their core concerns, fears, and issues. This in turn provides direction and knowledge so they could make informed decisions and have those challenging conversations that they have otherwise been too fearful to have.

Clients say they feel relieved, less stressed and somewhat excited to have the burden lifted and can move on with their life. They have peace of mind that they handled things in a rational and calm way which produced results that they can accept and live with.

Chaos to Calm in less than 6 hours!

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New Ways For Families

Post Separation Parenting Course

hat is New Ways for Families?

New Ways for Families is a 12-hour self-paced course that teaches parents the skills they need to develop for successful post-separation parenting. Applying what you learn will help you to avoid becoming a high-conflict family law case.

Benefits of New Ways

What will I learn?

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